404 vs 500 Page Error in Kickserv
Understanding the Difference Between a 400 and a 500 Page Error
Have you ever been on a website and clicked on a button that brought you to an error page? Not only is this frustrating, but often we don’t understand why.
Chances are this error page was either a 404 or 500 page. Knowing the difference between the two can help you know how to move forward. Let’s walk through the difference.
“Hmm. We can’t load that page.”
If you get this page it means we can’t find the page you are looking for. It could mean the account you are looking for got deleted, we got rid of a page on the site, or something as simple as the URL got typed in wrong.
- Check the URL: make sure the URL is typed in correctly.
- Make sure your account is active: deleted accounts will result in a 404 from Kickserv.
“Sorry… It’s us, not you.”
If you get this page it can mean something went wrong on our website’s server. It could mean a resource got removed, an image is no longer available, or a page on our site is down.
- Reload the page: sometimes it's just that simple.
- Come back later: if a page is down we might be working to fix it and just need a little bit more time.
- Clear browser's cookies: if cookies are associated with the error this could solve it.
Still confused and need to understand what this means in relation to Kickserv? We are happy to help! Send us an email to support@kickserv.com to answer any further questions.
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