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What is field service management

What is Field Service Management

Field Service Management Software
Kevin Talley // October 15, 2024
Field tech using laptop in truck

More visibility into your business, employees, and resources is always a good thing. 

With more visibility, you can make data-backed decisions. Your team can deliver a superior service. You can take meaningful steps to improve your operations and customer care. 

That's what makes field service management so important. It gives you a 360-degree view of your operations. 

What is field service management? How does software help? What are the benefits? 

This guide will tackle these questions. First, we'll give you a concrete understanding of field service management. We'll look at the key components and top advantages. 

We'll explore how it boosts the customer experience and empowers your team. Finally, we'll share our tips for finding software that meets your business needs. 

Let's jump right into it! 

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Understanding Field Service Management (FSM)

Field Service Management (FSM) refers to the systems, tools, and processes used to manage and optimize the operations of field service teams. 

Field service providers typically perform tasks at a customer’s location, like installation or repairs. That means, the majority of field service operations and resources are off-site from the provider’s headquarters. You can see why in-depth visibility into daily operations is so critically important to field service businesses.  

That's where FSM software comes in. Field service management software collects all the information and data related to your business and pulls it onto one platform.  

It organizes and automates repetitive tasks. It gives dispatchers access to the details they need to make informed, error-free decisions. 

These outcomes are hugely important for service-based businesses. Why? Because you are competing on the customer experience (CX). 

According to McKinsey, an excellent CX "can be measured by concrete financial metrics like share of wallet, repeat purchases, or net revenue retention (NRR)." 

The software enables a five-star CX by:

  • Supporting service personalization 
  • Empowering techs to arrive prepared and on time  
  • Ensuring regular, clear, and relevant communication with clients 
  • Reducing errors and delays that cause frustration 

The Key Components of Field Service Management

Field Service Management overlay

What does FSM involve?

The core elements include:

  • Scheduling employees and appointments to meet client needs and deadlines 
  • Dispatching technicians to their next job 
  • Invoicing clients when a job is complete 
  • Handling customer management activities like documenting services, updating histories, and logging communications 
  • Managing inventories, tracking parts, and staying on top of maintenance 

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Benefits of Implementing Field Service Management Solutions

What can you expect from adopting FSM software like Kickserv? Here are just some of the benefits: 

More Efficient Operations

FSM solutions deliver efficiencies in a few different ways:

  • Access to real-time data enables smart decision-making that saves time. For example, the software can optimize the worker's route. They arrive faster and use less fuel. 
  • Automation takes care of time-consuming tasks like data entry. It also prevents mistakes, which can also lead to delays. 
  • Complete and accurate customer information allows team members to deliver personalized services. 
  • Faster invoicing results in quicker payments. You spend less time chasing overdue bills. 

Improved Customer Service

Your customers are human beings. They want to feel heard, valued, and respected. 

Sometimes, inefficient or outdated processes make this tricky. For example, let's say you have a customer who called and booked a job. They explained their problem on the call. 

But when the technician shows up, the customer has to repeat the same story to them. It's frustrating and a waste of time. 

With FSM software, the tech has the information they need before they arrive at the job. Everyone's on the same page. 

This is just one way FSM solutions improve customer service.  

Others include: 

  • Timely and consistent communication 
  • Notifications about delays or service updates 
  • Quick billing and friction-free payment processes 

Faster Job Completion

Let's think about the example above again.

  • How much time has the worker spent going over the client's needs? 
  • If they're just learning what's required now, what happens if they don't have the right tools or materials?

These issues cause delays. FSM software prevents them.

It also:

  • Finds the fastest routes between jobs 
  • Assigns team members based on availability and proximity 
  • Automates tasks like invoicing and data entry 

With these benefits, you can complete more jobs every day.

Better Communication

A significant 76% of consumers say personalized communication is a "key factor" when considering a brand. There's more: 78% said this type of messaging makes them more likely to buy from a company again. 

FSM software supports fast, relevant communication through: 

  • Automated reminders 
  • Updates on job and technician status 
  • Data that informs personalization 

Real-Time Visibility

FSM software gives you real-time visibility into your operations. This means your team can monitor every job, every technician, and every service request as it happens. With this level of insight, you're not just reacting to problems—you're staying ahead of them. 

Additionally, real-time data shines a light on bottlenecks and allows you to optimize workflows. 

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Enhancing Customer Experience Through FSM

Tech looking at a HVAC unit

There's a bit of a theme going on here - FSM boosts CX, and CX is integral to future success.

Let's get into some of the specific features that help:

  • Automated notifications keep your customers in the loop. They know exactly when they can expect your team members to show up.  
  • Unforeseen delays? No worries. FSM software sends real-time updates and notifications so your customers don't have to wait around. 
  • Your customers are busy. They can't always call you during business hours. Self-service portals allow them to schedule appointments, cancel and rebook, make payments, or submit requests when and where it suits them. 

Empowering Technicians in the Field

Employees who aren't engaged result in $1.9 trillion in lost productivity

Protect your home services business against this devastating effect. Empower your field techs with a mobile FSM app. 

These apps can be accessed anywhere, anytime. When your team is en route or at a job site, they can pull up the relevant details. They know what the clients expect. They understand the issue and any prior history. 

Using these insights, they can deliver a high-quality, personalized service that solves the client's problem. They can manage tasks like invoicing on-site. All related duties are covered then and there, which means nothing slips through the cracks. 

Then, when the job is done, they can update the job status. That way, office staff stay up to date, too. There's no room for confusion or misunderstanding. 

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Efficiently Schedule Technicians: 7 Tips 

Choosing the Right FSM Software for Your Business 

In the market for FSM software? Below are three questions to ask yourself. Use your answers to find the solution that best fits your needs. 

  • What areas of my business cause the most frustration or delays? This is the area you should prioritize. Look for software that offers solutions to your specific problems. 
  • How much do I have to spend? Set a realistic budget and stick to it. Weigh the costs against the benefits to calculate your potential return on investment (ROI). 
  • How many team members do I need to use the software? Some software is good for small businesses. Others are built for large businesses. Find a happy medium that suits your size but think about its scalability too. If you grow in the future, you don't want to have to switch software providers. 
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